dental composite

/dental composite
dental composite۱۳۹۸/۹/۱۰ ۱۰:۱۱:۱۱


Dental composite resins are types of synthetic resins, which are used in dentistry as restorative materials. Modern composite materials have many applications in today’s dentistry.

What are the main benefits of dental composites?

Dental composite chemically bonds to tooth structure. This strengthens the tooth’s structure and restores its original physical integrity. Because composites are “glued” to the tooth, less healthy tooth needs to be removed for a composite restoration.

Dental composite can be used in 2 different ways:

۱) Direct dental composites

Direct dental composites are placed by the dentist in a clinical setting. Polymerization is accomplished typically with a hand-held curing light that emits specific wavelengths to initiate the polymerization process.

Direct dental composites can be used for filling cavities or small gaps between teeth, minor reshaping of teeth, to make teeth look longer or to change the shape or color of teeth.

۲) Indirect dental composites

Indirect composites are cured outside the mouth, in processing units capable of delivering higher intensities and levels of energy than hand-held lights can.

Indirect composites are cured for longer times and have higher levels and depths of cure than direct composites.

Indirect dental composites can be used for:

Filling teeth cavities with the indirect technique: inlays and/or onlays

Filling gaps (diastemas) between teeth

Reshaping of teeth

Full or partial crowns on single teeth

Bridges spanning 2-3 teeth and adhesive bridges



What is a Composite Resin (White Filling)?

A composite filling is a tooth-colored plastic and glass mixture used to restore decayed teeth. Composites are also used for cosmetic improvements of the smile by changing the color of the teeth or reshaping disfigured teeth.

How is a composite placed on a teeth?

Following preparation, the dentist places the composite in layers, typically using a light specialized to harden each layer. When the process is finished, the dentist will shape the composite to fit the tooth. The dentist then polishes the composite to prevent staining and early wear.


What are the advantages of composites?

Aesthetics are the main advantage of composites, since dentists can blend shades to create a color nearly identical to that of the actual tooth. Composites bond to the tooth to support the remaining tooth structure, which helps to prevent breakage and insulate the tooth from excessive temperature changes.


What are the disadvantages of composites?

After receiving a composite, a patient may experience postoperative sensitivity. Also, the shade of the composite can change slightly if the patient drinks tea, coffee or other staining foods. The dentist can put a clear plastic coating over the composite to prevent the color from changing if a patient is particularly concerned about tooth color.

In the last ten years, Composite Dental Fillings have become the preferred restoration of choice over Amalgam (Silver) Fillings, due to their natural, tooth colored appearance. These white, tooth colored dental fillings are very strong, durable and flexible and can withstand great chewing forces.

In certain situations, a dentist may recommend a silver filling over a tooth colored filling and this will be discussed at your appointment.

Here are some of the reasons why a Composite Dental Filling might be used:

  • A chipped tooth can be fixed with composite filling material
  • Gaps in teeth can be improved
  • Occasionally, cracks in teeth can be repaired with composite filling material
  • Teeth that have been broken in smaller areas – larger breaks or cracks may need an inlay, onlay or crown
  • Decay can be removed and structure restored with composite fillings
  • Teeth worn down by grinding or other use


If you feel sensitivity in a tooth, or any pain, be sure to visit the dentist right away. Any kind of sensation that isn’t normal needs to be checked and taken care of so other problems don’t occur as a result. A simple composite dental filling is much better for your tooth and your wallet than a crown or root canal, or worse. Here are the steps we take to perform a composite filling:

  1. Tooth is numbed
  2. Decay is removed, tooth is cleaned and prepped for the restoration
  3. The composite filling material is then added to the area and hardened with a curing lamp to ensure a solid hold
  4. The tooth and restoration are then polished and the procedure complete
  5. This procedure is started and completed in the same appointment

If you are hesitant to come to the dentist, please let us help you. Dr.Naseri Clinic is committed to providing a comfortable, enjoyable dental experience for our patients. We are regularly greeted by patients who were previously nervous to visit the dentist and now they enjoy coming. With our team, you are with a great family who can’t wait to meet you.

Please call us to schedule your next dental appointment at (+98)2188687013 We are glad to answer any questions you may have about dentistry and your care.